Please see the “WISH LIST” below for our most current needs:
Your donation makes a difference
Large or small, your donation will help in so many ways. Anyone can make a difference to those that live here. Whatever your ability to give, your donation will be used to change the lives of everyone for the better. A small donation can provide so much. A larger donation can sponsor a resident for their monthly expenses. An even larger donation can provide programming or transportation. All donations in any capacity will make a difference.
Thank you for your support!
Revenue/Funding/Monetary Donations- for operating expenses
Personal and hygiene items
Soap and deodorant
Toothbrushes and toothpaste
Washcloths and bath towels
Feminine hygiene products
Shaving cream and disposable razors
Clothing and seasonal items
New socks
New underwear
Gently used or new winter coats, gloves, hats, and scarves
Instant hand warmers
Helpful household items
Gift cards
Disposable diapers
Toilet paper and wet wipes
Laundry detergent
Twin sheets
Do NOT donate
Used socks or underwear
Used clothing (unless the shelter has the capacity to accept it, so check first)
Used mattresses or pillows
Used baby items like car seats and cribs
Used toys like stuffed animals
Already-opened or partially used toiletries